
Self Improvement: 2gether we are Better


Before You Give Up |2gether People

Before You Give Up

As I sat in the church waiting for the priest who visits our local village church once a month, In comes an old man from our neighboring village as he heard we had a priest that week, as I turned around I noticed he had a severely injured hand that I was worried to look at again, so I tried to compose myself and realized the priest was there and ready to say the mass, when he saw the man, he said Glory to God

As we wondered how he could say Glory to God for the man in such a situation, he asked him what had happened to him and the man explained he was attacked from thugs who took his watch after breaking almost every bone in his left hand, Still the priest said Glory to God and started explaining, the story really changed the subject of the mass.

He made a sense by saying Glory to God irrespective of  kind of problems the man had by saying that before you give up think of the worst thing that might have happened

  • The man had a disfigured hand, but his right hand was working properly,
  • He was severely injured but managed to walk into the church, his body was functioning.
  • He was in great pain and in a situation where he wanted help, and help he was getting but there are people who have such problems and never get help
  • There were many people who lost lives in such incidents, so he was the lucky one.

Before You Give Up, think of the worst situation that you might have faced or others are in. Let this be a source of hope before You Give Up guys. There are really bad things and hard times you will go through, but make no mistake there are people somewhere in the world in a worse position that you.

Before You Give Up, because of hunger, please be strong and think of the Somali kids that the only food they had for a month was maize flour porridge with no sugar, no bread and never have seen any sauce. If you manage to eat, you can manage to wake up the next morning and change your day.

Before You Give Up, because you are working long hours and get paid little, remember there are men in Karagwe that could never send their daughters to  public school where the school fees is $5 a month. This is happening, so Before You Give Up because you are tired today, get strong and plan for a better tomorrow, it might be planning the change of career, educating yourself more or increase your productivity…the chance you have and others don’t have, so never draw a line of failure in your life while you can still stand on your two feet.

Before You Give Up, that you were never promoted in any of your professional work, and was never acknowledged in any share performance you were involved, think of the graduates who are ready to work so that they can have a lunch.

Before You Give Up, guys understand that you are in a better situation than others, all you can do to change your life is not agreeing to be defeated. Stand on your two feet, bounce your chest and say I am the one of my life, I am the oneof my era, I am the only one that can change everything I see.

Before You Give Up, my dear friend, know that you need to change your life and others’ lives you care about.

Before You Give Up, guys know that there are greatest potentials in you, and there are greatest successful people who might be your role model in your career but had a tougher experience before being who they are now.

You have the keys to your success, you face challenges but unfortunately life counts on the achievements. Stand up and never think you are the one to fall.

Hope this short post gives us hope to get going again,

Keep in mind the darkest hour is the one before the dawn.

Written by Dimmy Winston Kanyankole

Contributor : Colm McGill