
Self Improvement: 2gether we are Better

What I learned Yesterday

Know your self is What I learned yesterday

Know your self is What I learned yesterday

I feel there is too many of us, me included running around this world reacting to things that happen us. We do not have an aim an Objective in life. This of course is a bad place to be, as you seem to get tossed about like a piece of wood on a rough sea or a leaf that has fallen on a blustery day. This is not the way to live your life.

What I have been reading about lately and listening to is your life’s purpose a big question indeed. A painful question I find as this requires you to think deeply and ask well what mark shall I leave.

Unfortunately is this fast moving world we have forgotten to breath running racing without looking or observing not seeing blind indifferent to our surroundings to the people around us.

We have become wrapped up in checking out status updates tweets mails etc. We are continuously reacting to what we see. Our time is being stolen we are not  being productive and we have lost our own agenda and buried our dreams all without realizing.

I have come to the conclusion of late we really do not know ourselves we think we do but we don’t. Also many of us are continuously trying to improve our weaknesses without knowing our strengths. If you check out the book “Managing oneself” by Peter F Drucker. Drucker speaks of building on your strengths and this should be our goal.

When you think about it, it makes sense as if one were to concentrate on their weakness and try to improve at best they would become average therefore as a result you would be average. But let us consider this, let us concentrate on our strengths and work on making them great. Is it beyond the bounds of possibility that we can be great that we can be world class. I think now we can do anything if we concentrate on our strengths.

So you will ask Colm how do I really know my strengths. Well I will ask you this what comes easy to you? what do you love? What have you passion for? What have your friends and strangers have said to you about you? Also I will share links in the bottom of this post today where you can do some tests for free. To find out what type of personality you have.

These simple tests are fascinating and you can also join forums and interact with people like you. Its amazing when you see people who have the same struggles thoughts as you how easy it makes your perceived struggles.

There is no doubt in my mind the more you work on your personal development the more valuable you get to the world to your family and friends. If you remain consistent in your pursuit of continuously learning and developing, you will eventually find your place, where you are meant to be. Charlie Munger put it well, when he said ” The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people“. Therefore go out and make yourself deserving.

So I say to to you, your faith is in your hands and if you sit down and drill down and ask yourself great questions. To find out what really is your life purpose.What is your message. This of course should be applied in all aspects of your life. Is it easy yes it is, but not if you are asking as you have become so used of outside stimulants and just on a roll a coaster of reaction.

First though before you start asking such questions you should start investigating your self and see exactly who and what you are.

What I want you to do today is go to the the website I will share with you today to test all aspects of your personality. You need to know what you really are and who is history has had a similar personality and this will give you mentors to follow and mirror.

This is an important point we need to see how these people with similar personalities to us and what they achieved and what they achieved. There is no doubt you need heroes and better still if they have the same personality type as you. This shall be the motivation the fuel to show you what is possible. We need to get mentors we need to follow to be able to lead.

I hear you saying I cannot afford mentors I cannot afford books. I can not afford books etc. I call this all excuses guys as there are loads of free material on line audio books from great great minds. I will put a link here to one “Think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill.

So guys today’s post is to tell you take time out and start learning and studying exactly who you are. Many will say why have you written this post . Well to be honest I have heard many say that they do not know what or where they want to go with their life. I believe that we all have the answers within but we need help asking the right questions to find out who we are.

So let us start today guys I have a link here to a site that will give you loads of free tests one of them is based on Isabella Myers Briggs teachings fascinating  you will find.

I hope you get value from my post Know your self

Lets go and find out more about you click  here Discover