
Self Improvement: 2gether we are Better

Be active



Physical fitness can determine the life style you live as it can give you unlimited energy to enjoy the best moments in your daily life or you can experience the sadness of procrastination and self sabotage by suffering with inaction. You are what you want to be and nobody is holding you back beside yourself, you need to lose unwanted weight take action to start your physical exercises today. But let’s take baby steps and enjoy our new journey.

All you need is you and a working plan. A plan is not a plan until it is working, take action don’t just keep planning if you’re not taking action on your health fitness then you’re directing yourself into a life of inaction and low self esteem and unhappiness. You need to get active but remember baby steps so you can enjoy the journey.

Everybody is happy when he or she feels they are making progress with their new be active approach. You start looking good and this directly applies to your health. A person that is physically fit are more likely to be happy, as you can appreciate they possess the energy to perform their daily activities easily and free from hardship of low energy level of that of a person who is unfit. Today is the day to make decision and not tomorrow if you want to be physically fit. Please guys let’s take a baby step today to improve our quality of life by taking responsibility for our physical fitness.

You need increase your energy and a feeling of wellbeing then design your fitness exercise schedule now

Tomorrow never comes guys, you need to stop procrastination for the sake of your health and physical fitness. Set your goals, they can be weekly goals so that you can see what you’re working out for and recognize the progression of your body physically. Tell yourself that you’re ready to do it and trust yourself that you are capable of doing what has been written in your schedule to be achieved by you. Let me remind you something that you are the one to pull that trigger of having happiness by having a fitter body.

Most of the people are not happy with their body because they are not physically fit and you actually never take measures to improve. You keep blaming finding excuses procrastinating and failing to take action. The result you fall deeper and resign give up. I am telling you that you’re not most people, believe and have faith in yourself because everything is possible when you want. So please guys let’s start with baby steps.


Get rid of your frown today by doing physical exercises

Everything happening to you is a behavior you created, having a behavior of working out daily or three times a week is not a simple task if you’re not ready. How many percent ready are you? To overcome your frown, embrace joy though your physical fitness. But please guys baby steps you need to enjoy what you do so do not do too much all at once. Keep in mind Rome was not built in a day.

Visualize your fit body and mind in the future.

This will motivate, your desire to reach your goal because what you will be seeing when you visualize it is a face full of happiness and joy. Remember that all what you’re doing is to better self, so you can enjoy your life your children your partner, whatever your motivation. When you see yourself in the future it will drive, motivate and inspire you towards attaining your physical fitness goal.

Mentally free and agile is the key to happiness

Physical fitness is the best way to free your mind and become sharp and agile; as you can appreciate yourself your self esteem increase your diet will improve as well.

Don’t let anything dissipate your happiness and joy, you’re the one who decides what to do. Start your physical exercises today and set your plan for the exercise, design your schedule and make sure your following it. You need also to take balanced diet food to maintain the body fitness. Remember that your physical fitness is your happiness also; the choice is yours to start to act now.

I believe in you and remember baby steps.

Written by Haroun Habyb Hazard

Contributor : Colm McGill