
Self Improvement: 2gether we are Better

MotivationWhat I learned Yesterday

What did I learn yesterday “youmatter”

What did I learn yesterday “youmatter”
Hello you, how are you? Let me begin. Well many of us walk around this world never thinking about ourselves. Worse still many of us walk around thinking we are selfish or not good people if we think about ourselves.
Well I am here today to tell you you are not selfish, if you think about yourself but responsible. Yes I said responsible. It is our duty to think about ourselves, it is our responsibility put ourselves first in life. The reason quite simply if we are not happy with ourselves we are not serving others as good as we might. We are not living up to our potential and this is a great mistake and a bigger pity.
I know if you reading this, are like me and brought up to think of others; you may, very well have lost your way and have sacrificed yourself in many ways. You may have even become a stranger to yourself. This is normal and the source to much unhappiness in this world.
I feel the best example I have seen to highlight why you should satisfy your own needs first is during the safety talk on a flight before take off. Here we are told the oxygen mask will fall down from over head in-case of emergency but make sure you tend to yourself first before helping your child or anyone else, why as without the mask you will not function and are unable to be of use to anyone. So your life is the same.
Now I know many of you are reading this and saying, easy for him to say, he does not know my circumstance and I have to sacrifice myself all day every day. Yes I agree I do not know your circumstance and some of you may very well be in dire situations but many of you are not.
So start today if it is only for 5 minutes to do something for you. If that requires you to get up 5 minutes early then so be it. Claim this day for you and stop complaining and procrastinating. Once you start reclaiming time for yourself you will feel you are progressing and once anybody feels they are progressing there lays contentment.
So you, here reading this, thinking I have always wanted to write, I have always wanted to paint, to run, to swim , to learn a new language etc. Start taking steps today and start investing in yourself. It can just be a 5-10 minute period for you like a short walk where you can get time to take a breath and be on your time. A place without people demanding and asking for pieces of you.
It is time to start investing in you and from here you will feel like you are progressing and start living your life with more enthusiasm and joy as you are becoming happier within yourself and therefore your other responsibilities do not drain you.
So this what I learned yesterday guys. Start putting your self first so that you can be happier and serve others better.
Hakuna matata
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