
Self Improvement: 2gether we are Better

Personal Development

March to your beat

March to your beat

We sit inside windows and stare out into the world as the rain streams on the pane it represents a longing in our core to March to our own beat, yet we accept defeat and stay behind the window and the pain. Quite simple we as in today’s society have learnt to conform and wallow in our own self pity and become much too comfortable to take action but rather complain.

Step out of your comfort zone

This is the truth while many of us may get aggressive and others make excuses, the truth is we hide behind phones menus and windows. No longer do we venture out no longer do we go for a walk in the park, without be being connected to the world via our phones.

I feel we have to set the phone down and go for something as simple as a walk in the park and take in the your surroundings and smell nature. Better if you are lucky enough to go for a walk in the country and just be and be alone with your thoughts.


Many of us are under the illusion that we are too busy, utter nonsense as at the end of the day when you die, I got news for you, the world will not stop turning and people even the closest to you, will get back up and carry on. So please, I urge you to take your ego out of the equation and  TAKE TIME FOR YOU. I read somewhere the other day the best way to make free time is just take.

Start marching to our own beat

So let me get back to the fact we have to start marching to our own beat. I remember living in London a few years ago and standing in a doorway at Liverpool street watching the thousands and thousands of people passing me at about 7.35 in the morning. One by one they passed and I wonder are they happy where are they going, are theY living. I suspect some are but the majority are as their faces depicted stress, gray, cold, stern, sour and bitter.

You see they were marching to someone else beat I have no doubt. Too many of us, have got caught in the expectations and desires of others. We have gone to school got good grades and got into university and landed our dream job and met our soul mate only to find we are desperately unhappy and feel trapped and are caving under the wait of others expectations and now with each passing day more and more perceived responsibility creeps on us; as if it was staking somewhere and now it pounces.

Make you smile

You see guys we need to call a time out, if this is you. First if what you do, does not make you smile, you have a problem; if the life you have does not make you smile you have a problem. If you sigh at the thought of your future your life you have a problem.

Good news the problem is YOU

The good news is the problem is YOU, the reason you are in this situation is you did not say NO. Quite simply you did not march to your own beat, you got swept up in the rushing rapids, of others perceptions and expectations of you.

Now most of you will say yes as I did not want to disappoint them. But can I ask disappoint who? because I know the people closest to you; their biggest wish is to see you happy. Is it not ? think about it. Ask them. But you must understand that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Invest in you

So you have to take you heard out the sand and stand away from your shame and step out of your comfort zone and start investing in you. This of course requires you to be disciplined and strategic.

Your body

First thing you need to do is to start excising whether that be walking, Yoga, cycling. I really do not care but start getting active and you need to take care of your body.

Too many of us have taken our eye off the ball here we are getting bigger and bigger and this will not end well. Which is worse I see people condoning it and making it almost acceptable this is not right, as the reason I say this we are ruining our health, the quality of the life we lead. So please get up and get active and think of the responsibility you have to your family and friends, to see after your health; they want you in they lives so lets move.

Your mind

Now the next thing is guys, I’m shocked that we do not take time to invest in our minds and in our own education. Many people I would say, the majority work jobs they do not want to work and come home complain and then watching complete crap on the TV; filling their minds with more junk . So now they are in a situation of fueling their body and mind with junk. You can do better guys. In this information age and with the internet at our finger tips we have the opportunity to learn and become the best versions of ourselves.

Who are you

As I have said we first have to find ourselves and reconnect with who we really are. I hear you scream how do I do this? We ll I suggest you start investing time in listening to different experts within the field of personal development. You can get loads and loads of material online for free and the industry experts give away great material for free, Also I would encourage you to buy their courses as they is some fantastic courses and books out there.

You have to start seeing how you want your life to be guys, you need a vision and then you need to take steps to achieve it. Now many of you are saying my god this post is full of crap, as they have no idea of how hard my life is.

Well I can assure you in a world with 7 billion people someone somewhere has had it worse but has over come all to make their life theirs. So that is not  an excuse if you want it you can get it, but you have to be startegic and disciplined and work towards you goal or your dream.

I myself  listen to many different people Brendan Burchard,Jim Rohn,Brian Tracey,Joe Vitale,Tony Robbins,Andy Harrignton, John Assaraf and Vishen Lakhiani just to mention a few. I have read various books but what I find a great source of information also is YouTube where you can get numerous audio books from these people mentioned above.

I have also bought many books and joined courses and this is a practiced I find that is essential for everybody if you want to be free and truly love the life you live. It does not happen by accident guys no not at all it truly is by design if you want to march to your own beat.

I have listened to many successful people talk and the source I found the best is through John Assaraf, Where John interviews many of the most successful people across different industries. What I mean by success is people marching to their own beat. John used ask them what were their morning rituals and it was quite obvious they all had very similar habits. All got up early and did some form of mediation and exercise and planned the day or reviewed it from the night before. They all marched to their own beat. Where many of us get up late after hitting snooze 10 times now we are late and are rushing and snapping at who ever is in our vicinity, this is no way to start your day and from the getgo we are losing. In contrast get up early own your day and be in control.

Guys you have one life you owe it to yourself to own it make it yours and live how you want to live and leave it all out there and have no regrets.

March to your beat

Speak soon
